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Assignments 2018

01/12/2018 - Communication


1. What is communication to you? 

2. Why do you think it is important? 
3. What are forms of communication?

4. When do you communicate?

5. How do you introduce yourself when you meet someone for the first time? 

6. Think of today, how have you been communicating? In the morning, with your parents, siblings, classmates, teachers?

7. Classmates mentioned they were sitting in traffic this morning, what form of communication do you see when commuting from one place to another? 

8. What forms of communication did you learn in class today? 

01/26/2018 - Communication


1- Split the whole group into teams of two

2- Have each pair adjust their chairs and sit back to back

3- Issue a copy of the diagram in the figure below to one of each pair of participants

4- The person holding the diagram is tasked to explain the shape to his/her partner and the listener must not see the diagram and should draw it based on his partner’s description and directions

5- After 10 minutes call the activity to a stop and ask each pair to compare the outcome and how close is the listener’s drawing to the original diagram


Discussion points and variations:

- You can run the activity more than once and on the first time do not allow the listeners to ask any question but on the second time to allow questions and clarification to be asked by the listener then compare the outcome on both cases and stress the importance of asking questions to confirm understanding and ensure the accuracy of communication

- Debrief also by asking how difficult it was for the drawer was it when they were not allowed to ask questions

- You can also switch roles where each pair gets a chance to be a listener and a chance to describe the diagram

- Ask participants about what they learned about communication from this simple activity?

- Ask participants how can this be helpful during their everyday communications on the job?

03/12-16/2018 - My Own Career Path: Opportunities in Educaiton 


04/5/2018 - Occupational Knowledge & Skills: Typing F,J and 4,7 Key Progress

This week you were introduced to Occupational and knowledge skills. You have reviews the Keyboard Diagram, Color coded each key and will now begin the process of practicing your typing skills on the keyboard. In this section you will upload your typing progress for Letters F and J Keys and numbers 4 and 7 Keys. 

At the end of this section, please describe your prior typing knowledge, do you remember the first time you typed on a keyboard? explain. How comfortable were you about typing? What 

04/6/2018 - Occupational Knowledge & Skills: Typing DK, SL and A;

This week you were introduced to Occupational and knowledge skills. You have reviews the Keyboard Diagram, Color coded each key and will now begin the process of practicing your typing skills on the keyboard. In this section you will upload your typing progress for Letters F and J Keys and numbers 4 and 7 Keys. 

At the end of this section, please describe your progress and overall performance?

04/9/2018 - Occupational Knowledge & Skills: Typing Shift Keys (left and right)

This week you were introduced to Occupational and knowledge skills. You have reviews the Keyboard Diagram, Color coded each key and will now begin the process of practicing your typing skills on the keyboard. In this section you will upload your typing progress Shift Keys,

At the end of this section, please describe your progress and overall performance?

04/10/2018 - Occupational Knowledge & Skills: QUIZ ON HOME ROW KEYS

This week you were introduced to Occupational and knowledge skills. You have reviews the Keyboard Diagram, Color coded each key and will now begin the process of practicing your typing skills on the keyboard. In this section you will upload your typing progress on HOME ROW Keys

At the end of this section, please describe your progress and overall performance?

04/11-12/2018 - Occupational Knowledge & Skills: Typing Numbers Lessons #19,20,21,23,24

This week you were introduced to Occupational and knowledge skills. You have reviews the Keyboard Diagram, Color coded each key and will now begin the process of practicing your typing skills on the keyboard. In this section you will upload your typing progress in number Keys,

04/13/2018 - SNAP MEETINGS & BLOG #2

Today you will be creating snap meetings for fourth quarter, please upload your appointments HERE and also move on to the blog to respond in AT LEAST 50 words to your snap partner of the day's Typing Experience. 

04/16 /2018 -    Occupational Knowledge & Skills: Five Lessons

Academic Description: In at least 50 words explain what area you needed the most practice in? Was it a specific side, letter, key or letter structure, pattern? 

04/18/2018 -    Occupational Knowledge & Skills: Classic Tale #26 Final

04/23/2018 -    Final Typing WPM Certificate

Academic Description: Please explain the progress and growth you have seen in your typing skills since you began this typing journey? Did you have prior experience? Where did you learn how to type?  Did you know there was a proper hand placement on keyboard? Explain practice. What was a challenge to you? Did you set a goal for your self? 

04/27/2018 -    Teacher Appreciation Special

Academic Description: The week of April 30 - May 4th is Teacher Appreciation Week, using the communication, team building and technology and skills you have learned in class, please create a 1-2 minutes teacher appreciation video to share! Use your creativity and make it inspiring and FUN! Don't forget to add motivational teacher quotes! 

05/4/2018 -    Line Art

Academic Description: For this assignment, you will first take a self-portrait or use an existing one for this project.
1. Create a new document 8×12  300 resolution. Put your self-portrait within the new document.
2. Put a blank layer on top of your photograph, and lock the photo layer. VERY IMPORTANT!!!! YOU WILL COMPLETE LINE ART ON BLANK LAYER
3. PRACTICE SKETCH: Use the pencil to trace yourself and then use brushes and colors to color in your illustration. You will use the PEN TOOL once you begin. 
4. Add a background to your illustration layer and save as .jpeg.
5. After all expectations are met: Describe Yourself, then illustrate why you used the colors you used, why emphasized yourself in the manner that you did and why you chose the background that you did. What was a challenge? What did you learn?  What was the outcome, better than you expected? Where have you seen line art before?

05/11/2018 -    My First Resume

Academic Description: For this assignment you will be reviewing an interactive power-point of the importance of a Resume. You will create one using the attached template or one that meets expectations. After you complete and link your resume to an image of your choice (any resume clip art), you will answer the following academic descriptions. 

1. What is the initial amount of time an employer takes to review an applicant’s resume?

2. Why do you need a resume?

3. what information should always be included in the header?

4. What is the purpose of an objective?

5. In what type of chronological order should information be placed?

6. How does this assignment connect to the real world? Where do you think you will need it and why? 

7. Is a resume needed to get a Job? Why or why not? ..... read question CAREFULLY TWICE! 

05/15/2018 -    Face Illusion 

Academic Description:  For this assignment you will be creating a Face Illusion on Photoshop CC, you will need to capture a portrait of your Front/Profile.You will be following your instructor on Lanschool for steps and directions. Then you will describe the effect/illusion you see and explain where you can or have seen these types of images in the real world.


Place Both images (front/profile) on a 8.5 by 11 300 pix New Document

Ensure all background is deleted

Right click on your SIDE Cell and select pix, ensure quick selection tool is selected and then lick on “select and mask” smooth and or feather and then decontaminate colors and create a “New layer with Layer Mask” click ok.

Bring Font Portrait below New Layer Mask and drag mask INTO the FRONT PORTRAIT, turn it on and then DE-LINK the two (Front and Mask Images)

All other layers are turned OFF.

Click on the Mask, click on the move tool and then drag it to create the illusion.

Save as PNG

05/18/2018 -    On the Cover

Academic Description: 
xpectations for your Magazine Cover should include the following! 


PORTRAIT: Your Favorite Portrait





Write a Reflection Describing and Analyzing your Final Portrait Project. 
Details: Explain why you put the text you included in your text draft, did you include all text expectations? Ensure you use different fonts, colors, details about who you are, what you enjoy doing, aspirations in life, family, friends, characteristics, personality.

Where would this assignment be used in real life? who would be creating this type of project? Where? Why? When? Where have you seen this project?

5/25/2018 -   Typography: Personal Invitation

Academic Description: For this assignment you will be learning about Typography by reviewing an interactive PowerPoint Presentaiton as a class, with peers and individually. Please answer the following Questions:

1. What did you know abut Typography prior to this unit? 

2. What did you assume Typography was? Now that you have learned about it, explain in your own words.

3. How did you apply it in this project?

4. What types of careers require you to know about typography? What about businesses?

5. How did you ensure to meet academic expectations for this Typography Project. 

6. WHO in the real industry completes/works on this type of project on a daily basis? Think of all kinds of VISUALS you see on a daily basis EVERYWHERE you go and everything you READ... from the time you Get up every morning, travel to school, go to stores, etc. until the end of your day.

Academic Description: For this assignment you will create a CTE Training and Transitions Concept Acquisition Video.  

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